Friday, May 31, 2013

We All Have Bad Days

Sometimes we fall down, but its SO important that we don't give up! You can never fail as long as you keep trying.

Last night I slipped up. Thursdays have notoriously been the hardest day in the week for me for months. Its usually the day I yell the most, or have one of my regular emotional break downs. I yelled at my poor little princess because she would not stop touching the laptop. I did ask her multiple times very kindly. I was yelling before I even realized that I was. It broke my heart for two reasons, the first because my little princess just doesn't deserve that. Second, because after a week of trying SO HARD and doing SO well! After near misses and easy breezy days. I cracked, I broke, and I fell off the Rhino (so to speak).

It was a learning experience and helped me identify another trigger:
deliberate disobedience: Classic for most every two year old.

Though I fell I will NOT give up! Here I am at the beginning of day 8. Starting all over again. I know I can do this! I knew there would be hard days. I knew there was a chance (a really good one) that I would break. SO back to square one I go.

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