Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 2

We all have good days and bad days, today was a good day. It's days like today that really help me feel like this goal is more within my grasp. I spent most of the day at a family members house for a bridal shower. The kids had a blast playing with family members and friends and being the center of attention. After the bridal shower, the babes, the hubs, and I went on a walk by the river near our house. It was beautiful, the weather was perfect. While strolling down the bike path I just couldn't help but think about how much I truly love my life. I am so blessed and truly grateful for my family.

This post is short but sweet. I know that not every day will be as great as today was. Bad days are bound to show their ugly faces. But all I have to do is remember the good and know that I CAN do this. Two days are in my pocket. Lets shoot for two more!

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