This past weekend was a crazy one. I hardly had a chance to sit down to breathe let alone blog. But here I am Monday morning, finally getting a chance to sit down and blog. This was a rough weekend. I cracked, at least twice. And it kills me. But in falling, I was able to recognize yet another trigger.
Stress: I am seriously the biggest stress case there ever was. Because I was so busy, I became stressed. Because I was stressed, I lost it.
There was a lot of good in the weekend as well. Being so busy wasn't all bad. There were plenty of learning experiences for me. And learning experiences are always a positive thing.
Now on to the post title. Six years ago today was essentially the biggest day of my life, it was the day I met my eternal companion. It was the day I met my husband. It is incredible how quickly time passes! I can hardly believe that six years have passed and we now have two beautiful children.
Simple choices can change our lives forever. It was one simple decision that lead me to meeting my husband. It was one simple decision that lead me to The Orange Rhino. Though I am still on my journey to a yell free life. My life has already changed. I was able to make it through yesterday without yelling. So lets shoot for one more! I can do this!
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