Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Fairly Good Day

Yesterday was a pretty decent day. I had a couple of close calls, but I was able to survive and not yell. It really is rough being sick as a mom. I feel like the cold is starting to subside, but it is still there. I'm thankful I have such great kids. Sure they have their moments, but over all, my kids are awesome. It was fun spending the evening with just the two little ones while the hubs was at a business meeting.
This weekend will be an interesting one all around. I'll be going out of town to my parents house with the babes while the hubs goes camping and hiking with some of his friends. I may not get a chance to blog over the weekend, but I'll be sure to blog when I get home. There should be some interesting stories. There almost always are when I'm at my parents house. My mom and I tend to clash. Frequently.
It should be a good learning experience. My goal is to ultimately not yell any more, this weekend is sure to test my limits. But I know I can do this, I know I can make it through the weekend without yelling. Part of the reason I'm going to stay with my parents over the weekend is because I'm not sure I could make it through the weekend on my own. My step dad absolutely adores the princess, and she adores him. It will be fun for her to go see grandpa and the horseys.
Well, this post is kind of boring and I really don't have much more to say right now. I've been yell free for 3 days! Lets shoot for 3 more! Wish me luck over the weekend! I may not get a chance to blog until Monday, but I'll try to get on tomorrow morning for updates.

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